The extreme, workerless inquilines.

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 9. Juli 2020, 19:29

A new review of Social Parasitism. written by an American, C. Rabeling...

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 9. Juli 2020, 19:33

P.S. It was already a few weeks indicated but only yesterday it came online. I putted it here in this way because I am afraid it will become behind a paywall again...
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Sonntag 12. Juli 2020, 14:06

A little bit disappointing.....

The first time that we met Teleutomyrmex: Tekst 1.
(And the photograph by with this stands: Fig. 1.)
The second and last time: Tekst 2. Also the first and last time Anergates.

How they are mentioned in the table: Tabel 1.
And the references: Tabel 2.

A very disappointing article!!!
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Tekst 1.jpg
Tekst 1.jpg (31.19 KiB) 71105-mal betrachtet
Tekst 2.jpg
Tabel 1.jpg
Tabel 2.jpg
Fig. 1.jpg
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Dienstag 8. September 2020, 19:58

An old article I found today. I apologize for the overlapping....
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Mittwoch 9. September 2020, 10:01

A better version of the last post:

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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 21. September 2020, 12:28

I must say I was wondering already a very long time when I was going to find this reference back. It is old, before computer time, and it did cost me a lot of trouble to get it. When I ordered it they did send me only the first part, with its own literature list. The second part I had to order again and when it came, yes, it had its own literature list. It is a review and I must sat for the time it was written, 1988, a good one. In it there are 32 species mentioned, 25 inquiline species and 7 slavery species. And in the inquiline part they mention Anergates and Teleutomyrmex.
Now, just to give a hint about the authors, Dobrzanska and Dobrzanski are known for their work with Polyergus but they did also work on other ants. I have on my computer two articles about Tetramorium caespitum but there are more genera they worked on like a.o. Myrmica.
This review was written at the end of their scientific careers. It deserves a place in our literature list of Teleutomyrmex.

Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “Pasozytnictwo spoleczne u mrowek. Pasozytnictwo obowiazkowe.”, or “[Social parasitism in ants. Obligatory parasitism.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr. 4: 617-639.
-> Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “1. Inkwilinizm.”, or “[Inquilinism.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr.4: 617-629.
-> Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “2. Niewolnictwo.”, or “[Slavery.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr. 4: 629-639.

94 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 21. September 2020, 12:57

A few photographs from that article...
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Dob 1.jpg
Dob 2.jpg
Dob 3.jpg
Dob 4.jpg
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Mittwoch 23. September 2020, 10:18

Literature list Teleutomyrmex Dob Off.pdf
A new version.
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 11. Januar 2021, 10:03

I did put Rabeling in my reference-list (see top of this page.) and go to put Bourke and Franks 1991 also in the list (free download yesterday!).

96 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Montag 11. Januar 2021, 20:44

Here they are:

Bourke, A. F. G., Franks, N. R., 1991, “Alternative adaptations, sympatric speciation and the evolution of parasitic, inquiline ants.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 43, no. 3, p. 157-178.
- 22 pp., 00 figs. - [1991-07-??].

Rabeling, C., 2020, “Social Parasitism.” In: Starr, C. (ed.), 2021, “Encyclopedia of Social Insects.” Springer, Cham., L + 1142 pp. - [2021-01-29].
- 23 pp., 04 figs. - [online 2020-05-26].
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 14. Januar 2021, 13:08

“Species: Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950.
Current Valid Name:
Tetramorium inquilinum Ward et al., 2015.
Taxonomic history:
Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950a: 82, figs. 1-23 (q.m.) SWITZERLAND. Palearctic. Secondary type information: One syntype gyne with six labels from BMNH labelled "Switzerland, Saas-Fee, 25 July 1949 – Teleutomyrmex schneideri det. B. Bolton, 1974 – BMNH(E)1014424 – ANTWEB CASENT0901024 – SYNTYPE – COTYPE.”
Geographic regions: Not found on any curated Geolocale/Taxon lists.”

From AntWeb, did forget this......
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1300
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1197

Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 14. Januar 2021, 13:14

An official literature list of Teleutomyrmex Kutter, 1950.

Baroni Urbani, C., 1967, “Le distribuzioni geografiche discontinue dei Formicidi mirmecobiotici.” Archivio Botanico e Biogeografico Italiano, vol. 43 [=(4)12]: p. 355-365.

Baur, A., Buschinger, A., Zimmermann, F. K., 1993, “Molecular cloning and sequencing of 18S rDNA gene fragments from six different ant species.” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 40, p. 325-335.

Baur, A., Chalwatzis, N., Buschinger, A., Zimmermann, F. K., 1995, “Mitochondrial DNA sequences reveal close relationships between social parasitic ants and their host species.” Current Genetics, vol. 28, p. 242-247.

Baur, A., Sanetra, M., Chalwatzis, N., Buschinger, A., Zimmermann, F. K., 1996, “Sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal genes support close relationships between parasitic ants and their respective host species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 43, p. 53-67.

Bernard, F., 1967 ["1968"], “Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen. 3. Les fourmis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) d'Europe occidentale et septentrionale.” Paris, Masson, 411 pp.

Blaimer, B. B., Ward, P. S., Schultz, T. R., Fisher, B. L., Brady, S. G., 2018, “Paleotropical Diversification Dominates the Evolution of the Hyperdiverse Ant Tribe Crematogastrini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Insect Systematics and Diversity, vol. 2, no. 5, art. 3, p. 1-14.

Bolton, B., 1976, “The ant tribe Tetramoriini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Constituent genera, review of smaller genera and revision of Triglyphothrix Forel.” Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology), vol. 34, p. 281-379.

Bolton, B., 1994, “Identification guide to the ant genera of the world.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 222 pp.

Bolton, B., 1995, “A taxonomic and zoogeographical census of the extant ant taxa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Journal of Natural History, vol. 29, p. 1037-1056.

Bolton, B., 1995, “A new general catalogue of the ants of the world.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 504 pp.

Bolton, B., 2003, “Synopsis and Classification of Formicidae.” Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, vol. 71, 370 pp.

Borowiec, L., 2014, “Catalogue of ants of Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and adjacent regions (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Genus (Wroclaw), vol. 25, no. 1-2, p. 1-340.

Bourke, A. F. G., Franks, N. R., 1991, “Alternative adaptations, sympatric speciation and the evolution of parasitic, inquiline ants.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 43, no. 3, p. 157-178.

Brown, W. L., Jr., 1973, “A comparison of the Hylean and Congo-West African rain forest ant faunas.” P. 161-185 in: Meggers, B. J., Ayensu, E. S., Duckworth, W. D. (ed.), 1973, “Tropical forest ecosystems in Africa and South America: a comparative review.” Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC., viii + 350 pp.

Brun, R., 1952, “Das zentralnervensystem von Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutt. (Hym. Formicid.). III. Mitteilung.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 73-86.

Brun, R., 1959, “Le cerveau des fourmis et des insectes en général comme instrument de formation des réflexes conditionnés.” P. 11-25 in: International Union of Biological Sciences, Union Internationale des Sciences Biologiques, Experimental Psychology and Animal Behaviour Section, 1959, “Animal psychology seminars: Strasbourg University, October 1956, and Brussels University, August 1957.” London, Pergamon Press, 148 pp.

Buschinger, A., 1970, “Neue Vorstellungen zur Evolution des Sozialparasitismus und der Dulosis bei Ameisen (Hym., Formicidae).” Biologisches Zentralblatt, vol. 88, no. 3, p. 273-299.

Buschinger, A., 1971, “Zur Verbreitung und Lebensweise sozialparasitischer Ameisen des Schweizer Wallis (Hym., Formicidae).” Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. 186, no. 1/2, p. 47-59.

Buschinger, A., 1974, “Monogynie und Polygynie in Insektensozietäten.” P. 862-896 in: Schmidt, G. H. (ed.), 1974, “Sozialpolymorphismus bei Insekten. Probleme der Kastenbildung im Tierreich.” Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, xxiv + 974 pp.

Buschinger, A., 1974, “Polymorphismus und Polyethismus sozialparasitischer Hymenopteren.” P. 897-934 in: Schmidt, G. H. (ed.), 1974, “Sozialpolymorphismus bei Insekten. Probleme der Kastenbildung im Tierreich.” Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, xxiv + 974 pp.

Buschinger, A., 1985, “New records of rare parasitic ants (Hym., Form.) in the French Alps.” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 321-324.

Buschinger, A., 1986, “Evolution of social parasitism in ants.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 1, nr. 6, p. 155-160.

Buschinger, A., 1987, “Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 and other parasitic ants found in the Pyrenees (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Spixiana, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 81-83.

Buschinger, A., 1990, “Evolutionary transitions between types of social parasitism in ants, hypotheses and evidence.” P. 145-146 in: Veeresh, G. K., Mallik, B., Viraktamath, C. A. (eds.), 1990, “Social insects and the environment. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of IUSSI, 1990.” New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., xxxi + 765 pp.

Buschinger, A., 1990, “Sympatric speciation and radiative evolution of socially parasitic ants. - Heretic hypotheses and their factual background.” Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, vol. 28, p. 241-260.

Buschinger, A., 1995, “Nicht am Ende: Die “Endameise” Teleutomyrmex schneideri.” Ameisenschutz aktuell, vol. 9, p. 1-7.

Buschinger, A., 1999, “Wiederfund der sozialparasitischen Ameise Teleutomyrmex schneideri in der Schweiz.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 72, p. 277-279.

Buschinger, A., 2000, “Die “Endameise” Teleutomyrmex schneideri in der Schweiz: Erster Wiederfund nach 50 Jahren.” Ameisenschutz aktuell, vol. 14, p. 43-45.

Buschinger, A., 2009, “Social parasitism among ants: a review (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News, vol. 12, p. 219-235.

Casevitz-Weulersse, J., Galkowski, C., 2009, “Liste actualisée des fourmis de France (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, vol. 114, no. 4, p. 475-510.

Collingwood, C. A., 1956, “Ant hunting in France.” Entomologist, vol. 89, p. 105-108.

Collingwood, C. A., 1956, “A rare parasitic ant (Hym., Formicidae) in France.” Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, vol. 92, p. 197.

Csősz, S., Radchenko, A., Schulz, A., 2007, “Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Zootaxa 1405, p. 1-38.

Cuesta, D., García, F., García-Tejero, S. & Espadaler, X., 2009, “Resumen charla: Aportaciones a la biología de Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950: primer caso de cría en cautividad. [Contributions to the biology of Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950: first case of keeping in captivity.]” [abstract]. Iberomyrmex, vol. 1, p. 24.

Cuesta-Segura, A.D., Espadaler, X., Garcia Garcia, F., 2017, “Hormigas de los brezales de Calluna cantábricos (NO España) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). [Ants of the Cantabrian Calluna-heathlands (NW Spain) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).]” Iberomyrmex, vol. 9, p. 25-43.

Cuesta-Segura, A. D., García García, F., Catarineu, C., García-Tejero, S., Espadaler, X., 2018, “Actualización de la Distribución y Hospedadores de la Hormiga Parasita Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 en la Peninsula Ibérica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.), nº 63 (31/12/2018), p. 235–239.

de la Mora, A., Sankovitz, M. & Purcell, J., 2020, "Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as host and intruder: recent advances and future directions in the study of exploitative strategies." Myrmecological News, Vol. 30, 53-71.

Dlussky, G. M., Fedoseeva, E. B., 1988 (“1987”), “[The origin and early stages of evolution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).]” P. 70-144 in: Ponomarenko, A. G. (ed.), “[The Creaceous biocenotic crisis and the evolution of insects.]” [In Russian.]. Nauka, Moscow. 231 pp.

Dlussky, G. M., Soyunov, O. S., Zabelin, S. I., 1990 [“1989”], “Muravji Turkmenistana.”, or “[Ants of Turkmenistan.]” [In Russian.]. Ashkabad, Ylym Press, 275 pp.

Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “Pasozytnictwo spoleczne u mrowek. Pasozytnictwo obowiazkowe.”, or “[Social parasitism in ants. Obligatory parasitism.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr. 4: 617-639.
-> Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “1. Inkwilinizm.”, or “[Inquilinism.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr.4: 617-629.
-> Dobrzanska, J. & Dobrzanski, J., 1988, “2. Niewolnictwo.”, or “[Slavery.]” Kosmos, vol. 37, nr. 4: 629-639.

Espadaler, X., Cuesta, D., 2006, “Notas / Notes. Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 en España (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Graellsia, vol. 62, nr. 2, p. 261-262.

Espadaler, X., Gómez, K., 2014, “Tetramorium biskrense Forel, 1904 en España y Portugal peninsulares (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Boletín de la Sociedad entomológica Aragonesa (SEA), vol. 55, p. 303-305.

García, F., 2019, “Parásitos y myrmecófilos. Hormigas parásitas sociales ibéricas.” LaMarabunta digital, Nueva Edición, Número 4, Junio 2019: p. 27-44.

Gösswald, K., 1952, “Zur Biologie und Histologie parasitär degenerierter Ameisenarten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter (Tribus Tetramorini).” Transactions of the IX-th International Congress of Entomology, Amsterdam, August 17-24 (1951), vol. 1, p. 446-448.
- His name is spelled “Göszwald” in this publication!

Gösswald, K., 1953, “Histologische Untersuchungen an der arbeiterlosen Ameise Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter (Hym. Formicidae).” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 81-128.

Gösswald, K., 1954, “Unsere Ameisen. I. Teil.” Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 88 pp.

Gösswald, K., 1955, “Unsere Ameisen. II. Teil.” Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 80 pp.

Gösswald, K., 1985, “Organisation und Leben der Ameisen.” Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 355 pp.

Hölldobler, B. K., & Wilson, E. O., 1990, “The Ants.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, xiv + 732 pp.

Hölldobler, B. K., & Wilson, E. O., 1998, “Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 304 pp.

Kiran, K., Karaman, C., Lapeva-Gjonova, A. & Aksoy, V., 2017, “Two new species of the “ultimate“ parasitic ant genus Teleutomyrmex Kutter, 1950 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Western Palaearctic.“ Myrmecological News, vol. 25, p. 145-155.

Kusnezov, N., 1954, “Phyletische Bedeutung der Maxillar- und Labialtaster der Ameisen.” Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. 153, no. 1/2, p. 28-38.

Kutter, H., 1950, “Über eine neue, extrem parasitische Ameise. 1. Mitteilung.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 81-94.

Kutter, H., 1950, “Über zwei neue Ameisen.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 337-346.

Kutter, H., 1950, “Über Doronomyrmex und verwandte Ameisen. 2. Mitteilung.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 347-353.

Kutter, H., 1951, “Von dufttäuschenden Mörderinnen und berittener Königin.” Du: kulturelle Monatsschrift, vol. 11, no. 4, 44-47.

Kutter, H., 1952, “Über Plagiolepis xene Stärcke (Hym. Formicid.).” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 57-72.

Kutter, H., 1963, “Miscellanea myrmecologica I.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 36, no. 1 and 2, p. 129-137.

Kutter, H., 1968 ("1967"), “Liste sozialparasitischer Ameisen.” Archives. Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (n.s.), vol. 33, p. 201-210.

Kutter, H., 1968 (“1969”), “Die sozialparasitischen Ameisen der Schweiz.” Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich auf das Jahr 1969, vol. 171, (Ausgegeben am 31. Dezember 1968), p. 1-62.

Kutter, H., 1977, “Hymenoptera, Formicidae.” Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, vol. 6, p. 1-298.

Kutter, H., 1978, “Hymenoptera, Formicidae.” Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, vol. 6a, unpaginated, illustr.

Meyer, G., 1951, “Histologische Untersuchungen an einer arbeiterlosen Ameise Anergates atratulus Schenck.” Inaugural-Dissertation, Institut für Angewandte Zoologie, Würzburg.

Meyer, G. F., 1955, “Untersuchungen an einer parasitischen Ameise (Anergates atratulus Schenck).” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 163-171.

Rabeling, C., 2020, “Social Parasitism.” In: Starr, C. (ed.), 2021, “Encyclopedia of Social Insects.” Springer, Cham., L + 1142 pp.

Reyes López, J., Martínez, A. B., 2011, “Notas Científicas: Nueva cita de Teleutomyrmex kutteri Tinaut, 1990 (Hym., Formicidae) para la Península Ibérica. New record of Teleutomyrmex kutteri Tinaut, 1990 (Hym., Formicidae) from the Iberian Peninsula.” Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.), nº. 49, p. 206.

Sanetra, M., 1996, “Systematik, Biologie und Phylogenie westpaläarktischer Ameisen der Tribus Tetramoriini unter besonderer Berücksichtigung molekularer Merkmale (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Thesis, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, p, 1-229.

Sanetra, M., Buschinger, A., 2000, “Phylogenetic relationships among social parasites and their hosts in the ant tribe Tetramoriini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” European Journal of Entomology, vol. 97, no. 1, p. 95-117.

Sanetra, M., Felger, S., Buschinger, A., Zimmermann, F. K., 1998, “On the evolutionary history of social parasites in the ant tribe Tetramoriini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” P. 413 in: Schwarz, M. P., Hogendoorn, K. (eds.), 1998, “Social insects at the turn of the millennium. Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of IUSSI. Adelaide, Australia. 29 December 1998 - 3 January 1999.” Adelaide, XIII Congress of IUSSI, 535 pp.

Sanetra, M., Heinze, J., Buschinger, A., 1994, “Enzyme polymorphism in the ant genus Tetramorium Mayr and its social parasites (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, vol. 22, p. 753-759.

Schlick-Steiner, B. C., Steiner, F. M., Moder, K., Seifert, B., Sanetra, M., Dyreson, E., Stauffer, C., Christian, E., 2005, “A multidisciplinary approach reveals cryptic diversity in Western Palaearctic Tetramorium ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 40, p. 259-273.

Schönitzer, K., Lawitzky, G., 1987, “A phylogenetic study of the antenna cleaner in Formicidae, Mutillidae, and Tiphiidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera).” Zoomorphology (Berlin), vol 107, no. 5, p. 273-285.

Seifert, B., 1996, “Ameisen: beobachten, bestimmen.” Naturbuch Verlag, Augsburg, 351 pp.

Seifert, B., 2007, “Die Ameisen Mittel- und Nordeuropas.” Lutra Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Tauer/Klitten, 368 pp.

Seifert, B., 2018, “The ants of Central and North Europe.” Lutra Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Tauer, 407 pp.

Seifert, B., Buschinger, A., Aldawood, A., Antonova, V., Bharti, H., Borowiec, L., Dekoninck, W., Dubovikoff, D., Espadaler, X., Flegr, J. , Georgiadis, C., Heinze, J., Neumeyer, R., Ødegaard, F., Oettler, J., Radchenko, A., Schultz, R., Sharaf, M., Trager, J., Vesnić, A., Wiezik, M., Zettel, H., 2016, “Banning paraphylies and executing Linnaean taxonomy is discordant and reduces the evolutionary and semantic information content of biological nomenclature.” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 63, no. 2, p. 237-242.

Social Insects Specialist Group, 1996a, “Teleutomyrmex kutteri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996: e.T21570A 9301532. 21570A9301532.en.”

Sociak Insects Specialist Group, 1996b, “Teleutomyrmex schneideri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996: e.T21569A9301467. 96.RLTS.T21569A9301467.en.”

Steiner, F. M., Seifert, B. , Moder, K., Schlick-Steiner, B. C., 2010, “A multisource solution for a complex problem in biodiversity research: Description of the cryptic ant species Tetramorium alpestre sp.n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. 249, p. 223-254.

Stuart, R.J., 2002, “The behavioural ecology of social parasitism in ants.” P. 315-336 in: Lewis, E. E., Campbell, J. F., Sukhdeo, M. V. K. (eds), 2002, “The Behavioural Ecology of Parasites.” CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK and New York, USA, 369 pp.

Stumper, R., 1951, “Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter (Hym. Formicid.). II. Mitteilung. Über die Lebensweise der neuen Schmarotzerameise.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 129-152.

Stumper, R., 1956, “Etudes myrmécologiques LXXVII. Les sécrétions attractives des reines de fourmis.” Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft, vol. 29, no. 4, p.373-380.

Stumper, R., Kutter, H., 1950, “Sur le stade ultime du parasitisme social chez les fourmis, atteint par Teleutomyrmex Schneideri (subtrib. nov.; gen. nov.; spec. nov. Kutter).” Comptes Rendus (Hebdomadaires) des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. 231, p. 876-878.

Tinaut, A., 1981, “Estudio de los Formícidos de Sierra Nevada.” Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Granada, 463 pp.

Tinaut, A., 1990, “Teleutomyrmex kutteri, spec. nov. A new species from Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain).” Spixiana, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 201-208.

Tinaut, A., Martínez-Ibáñez, M. D., Ruano, F., 2007, “Inventário de las especies de formícidos de Sierra Nevada, Granada (España) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” or “Inventory of the ant species of Sierra Nevada, Granada (Spain) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Zoologica Baetica, vol. 18, p. 49-68.

Tinaut, A., Ruano, F., Martínez, M. D., 2005, “Biology, Distribution and Taxonomic Status of the Parasitic Ants of the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Myrmicinae).” Sociobiology, vol. 46, no. 3, p. 449-489.

Wagner, H. C., Arthofer, W., Seifert, B., Muster, C., Steiner, F. M., Schlick-Steiner, B. C., 2017, “Light at the end of the tunnel: Integrative taxonomy delimits cryptic species in the Tetramorium caespitum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News, vol. 25, p. 95–129.

Ward, P. S., Brady, S. G., Fisher, B. L., Schultz, T. R., 2015 (“2014”), “The evolution of myrmicine ants: Phylogeny and biogeography of a hyperdiverse ant clade (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Systematic Entomology, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 61-81. (Article first published online: 23 July 2014).

Ward, P. S., Brady, S. G., Fisher, B. L., Schultz, T. R., 2016, “Phylogenetic classifications are informative, stable, and pragmatic: the case for monophyletic taxa.” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 63, no. 4, p. 489-492.

Wegnez, P., Ignace, D., Lommelen, E., Hardy, M., Bogaert, J., Nilsson, C., 2015, “Redécouverte de Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950 dans les Alpes françaises (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie/Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, vol. 151, p. 52-57.

Wheeler, G. C., Wheeler, J., 1985, “A simplified conspectus of the Formicidae.” Transactions of the American Entomological Society, vol. 111, p. 255-264.

Wilson, E. O., 1963, “The Social Biology of Ants.” Annual Review of Entomology, vol. 8, no. 1, 345-368.

Wilson, E. O., 1963, “Social modifications related to rareness in ant species.” Evolution, vol. 17, p. 249-253.

Wilson, E. O., 1971, “The insect societies.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, x + 548 pp.

Wilson, E. O., 1984, “Tropical social parasites in the ant genus Pheidole, with an analysis of the anatomical parasitic syndrome (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Insectes Sociaux, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 316-334.

96 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 14. Januar 2021, 13:17

And as pdf:

Literature list Teleutomyrmex VdS CC Off.pdf
(222.2 KiB) 2164-mal heruntergeladen
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 16. Januar 2021, 12:58

I finally found good reprints from Goszwald, 1952:

GZ 001.jpg

GZ 002.jpg

GZ 003.jpg
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 30. Januar 2021, 20:30

It's about this - date from the publisher:

Hölldobler, B. K., & Wilson, E. O., 1998, “Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 304 pp.

But I had it as:

Journey to the Ants : A Story of Scientific Exploration
B. Hlldobler , E. O. Wilson , 1994

on The Ant Farm and Myrmecology Forum in my list of important ant literature, dated on July 22, 2002...

Of course, the publisher gives the date of the temporary, available paperback edition and my date is from the first published edition, the hardcover...

So, changed from 1998 to 1994...
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 20. Februar 2021, 19:15

(all belong to the genus Tetramorium Mayr, 1855).

Tel. schneideri or Tetr. inquilinum:

Tetr. alpestre Steiner, Schlick-Steiner & Seifert, 2010.
Tetr. impurum (Förster, 1850).
and maybe
Tetr. caespitum (Linnaeus, 1758)?

Tel. kutteri or Tetr. kutteri:

Tetr. cf caespitum (Linnaeus, 1758).

Tel. seiferti or Tetr. seiferti:

Tetr. cf. chefketi Forel, 1911.

Tel. buschingeri or Tetr. buschingeri:

Tetr. cf. chefketi Forel, 1911.

Anergates atratulus or Tetr. atratulum:

Tetr. impurum (Förster, 1850).
Tetr. caespitum (Linnaeus, 1758).
Tetr. immigrans Santschi, 1927.
Tetr. moravicum Kratochvil, 1941.
Tetr. diomedeum Emery, 1908.
Tetr. chefketi Forel, 1911.
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 20. Februar 2021, 19:23

Recent revisions of the Tetramorium host species
of Anergates and Teleutomyrmex.

Csősz, S., Radchenko, A., Schulz, A., 2007, “Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Zootaxa 1405, p. 1-38. ... a_2007.pdf

Csősz, S., Schulz, A., 2010, “A taxonomic review of the Palaearctic Tetramorium ferox species-complex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Zootaxa 2401, p. 1-29. ... ootaxa.pdf

Wagner, H. C., Arthofer, W., Seifert, B., Muster, C., Steiner, F. M., Schlick-Steiner, B. C., 2017, “Light at the end of the tunnel: Integrative taxonomy delimits cryptic species in the Tetramorium caespitum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News, vol. 25, p. 95–129. ... omplex.pdf
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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 20. Februar 2021, 19:29

First descriptions of, and last revisions of the species complexes of
the senior homonyms of Teleutomyrmex species
when they are placed in Tetramorium.

- Tetramorium schneideri Emery, 1898, valid.

Tetramorium schneideri Emery, 1898c: 145 (w.) KAZAKHSTAN. Palearctic.
Tarbinsky, 1976: 115 (q.); Radchenko & Scupola, 2015: 234 (m.).
Subspecies of Tetramorium striativentre: Ruzsky, 1905a: 518; Ruzsky, 1905b: 767; Emery, 1909f: 706; Karavaiev, 1911a: 55; Karavaiev, 1912b: 585; Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1923b: 253; Emery, 1924f: 278; Pisarski, 1967a: 403; Tarbinsky, 1976: 115 (redescription).
Status as species: Ruzsky, 1905b: 517; Dlussky, 1981b: 17; Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985: 232; Dlussky et al., 1990: 207; Radchenko, 1992a: 45 (in key); Radchenko, 1992b: 52; Bolton, 1995b: 414; Dietrich, 2004: 322; Schultz et al., 2006: 203; Paknia et al., 2010: 35; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 57; Borowiec, 2014: 203; Radchenko & Scupola, 2015: 232 (redescription).
Material of the unavailable name Tetramorium striativentre schneideri longispina referred here by Dlussky et al., 1990: 207; Radchenko, 1992b: 52.

Tetramorium striativentre schneideri longispina Karavaiev, 1912 unavailable.

Tetramorium striativentre subsp. schneideri var. longispina Karavaiev, 1912b: 585 (w.) TRANSCASPIA. Palearctic.
Unavailable name; material referred to Tetramorium schneideri by Dlussky et al., 1990: 207; Radchenko, 1992b: 52.

- Dlussky, G. M., Soyunov, O. S., Zabelin, S. I., 1990, “Ants of Turkmenistan.” [In Russian.]. Ashkabad, Ylym Press, 275 pp.
- Emery, C., 1898c, “Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen.” Öfvers. Fin. Vetensk.-Soc. Förh., vol. 20, p. 124-151.
- Karavaiev, V., 1912b, “Ameisen aus dem paläarktischen Faunengebiete.” Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, vol. 12, p. 581-596.
- Radchenko, A. G., 1992b, “Ants of the genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR fauna. Report 2.” [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 71, no. 8, p. 50-58.
- Radchenko, A. G., Scupola, A., 2015, “Taxonomic revision of the striativentre species group of the genus Tetramorium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Vestnik Zoologii, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 219-244.
- Tarbinsky, Y. S., 1976, “The ants of Kirghizia.” [In Russian.]. Frunze, Ilim, 217 pp.

- Tetramorium semilaeve kutteri Santschi, 1927 junior synonym of current valid taxon Tetramorium indocile Santschi, 1927.

Tetramorium semilaeve var. kutteri Santschi, 1927b: 57 (w.) SWITZERLAND. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Brig, Switzerland
Subspecies of Tetramorium semilaeve: Novák & Sadil, 1941: 85 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 410.
Junior synonym of Tetramorium indocile: Wagner et al., 2017: 116.

- Santschi, F., 1927b, “A propos du Tetramorium caespitum L.” Folia Myrmecol. Termit., vol. 1, p. 52-58.
- Wagner, H. C., Arthofer, W., Seifert, B., Muster, C., Steiner, F. M., Schlick-Steiner, B. C., 2017, “Light at the end of the tunnel: Integrative taxonomy delimits cryptic species in the Tetramorium caespitum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News, vol. 25, p. 95–129.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 25. Februar 2021, 16:57

A "new" old reference:

Tinaut, A., 2013, “Las Hormigas. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” P. 392-408 and p. 517-518 in Vol. 2 in: Ruano, F., Tierno de Figueroa, M., Tinaut, A. (eds., Asociación Española de Entomología, Universidad de León), 2013, “Los Insectos de Sierra Nevada. 200 Años de Historia. Vol. 1 & 2.” Asociación Española de Entomología, 544 pp. and 524 pp.

More general but T. kutteri is mentioned.

97 references.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

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Re: The extreme, workerless inquilines.

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 25. Februar 2021, 17:06

Also included the correct reference from Rabeling...

Literature list Teleutomyrmex 5C Off.pdf
(222.91 KiB) 1977-mal heruntergeladen
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